“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
It all started with a tragedy and that tragedy transformed into a passion for bringing the OCR community together and bring OCR to underserved populations.

Personally, I feel like both are a force and an inspiration. They truly care about the sport and the people in it. They are also so driven to bring OCR to the next generation. It’s hard not to be in awe of their commitment.
Its my pleasure to introduce them in the next edition of 10 Questions.
1. Tell us about yourself
Luccketta- Co-Founder and Current Director of Lionhearts Fitness, Competitive OCR Coach and Athlete, Fisherman, Loves all sports and outdoor activities. Single! shell- Co-founder Lionhearts Fitness
2. Why are you a part of The OCR Buddy community?
To bring awareness to all OCR, events, opportunities, all in one place, in UNITY To help us serve our community.
3. How did your OCR journey start?
OCR Luccketta: My best friend hung himself at 13. My mom wanted me to find a way to cope. She was facing a terminal illness and OCR was helping her cope. She took me to a race, the rest is history.
4. What is your best race story?
OCR Luccketta At my very first Sprint, I was to go with my mom to help her through the course. We got separated and lost. I beat her by two hours!! When we got in the car, I said “Mama, we need this for all kids” and we created Lionhearts the next week. shell: Oh easy, my 62th birthday, Jacksonville Rachel Watters threw me a huge birthday party, then the elites, my friends, who all just podiumed, had a FUN RUN. They all carried me through the course! It was amazing. ALL belong.
5. Who or what inspires or motivates you?
OCR Luccketta: The kids, watching them champion obstacles after they say “No Way!” shell: Rachel Watters, OCR Luccketta, Real People, Real Goals, Real Obstacles.
6. If you could race any race in the world which race and why?
OCR Luccketta: I like California, it’s where I am from and I always get to see my friends. Perhaps China this year with the kids. shell: Greece or Italy
7. What are your goals for this year?
China Spartan Kids World Championships. OCRWC again, We are building an OCR Fitness Camp.
8. What team are you involved with and why?
We have a few, Lionhearts, IronEdge OCR, RaceReady Obstacles, Fitbar Strong
9. How do you train? Any special gyms or trainers?
Lionhearts Fitness OCR Training Center 7500 sq ft of obstacles, built by the community, for the community. FREE for all youth 5+ and all training.
10. Are you an ambassador or fan of any other brands? Give them a shout out and let the community know why?
We are sponsored, partnered, and supported by several amazing companies. IronEdge Coaching, BoneFrog, Surphyto, Spartan, Barbarian Challenge, Savage Race, Race Ready/The Midwest OCR, Frontline, Highlander Assault, Mythic Race, Mudgear, LegendBorne Sportswear, Chattanooga Track Club, FitBar Strong.