2025 OCR Buddy Ambassador Applications
Thank you for your interest in becoming an OCR Buddy Ambassador. We are grateful for your support and passion for the community that OCR Buddy is building.
Our goal is to make our ambassador program a two-way street. We want to support you on your OCR journey in any way we can, we just ask that you help us share what makes OCR Buddy such a special part of the OCR community.
- Three posts per month on your social channels talking about OCR Buddy, its features and benefits. These posts should be tagged with @OCRBuddy and #iamanocrbuddy. These posts can also be reposts of OCR Buddy content, comments where you are sharing the OCR Buddy love. You can also contribute to the blog, or assist the OCR Buddy team on the administration of the social media pages. Contribute to or share OCR Buddy Blog Entries.
- Be an active member of the OCR Buddy Ambassadors group on Facebook (or reachable via e-mail). Answer questions that are posed by the OCR Buddy Team
- Support the OCR Buddy team on special projects including giveaways and race promotions.
- Wear your OCR Buddy gear when racing (either before or after your race works too!) and or training and share photos with your social media following.
- Contribute information about races that are not listed in the app.
- Be a contributing member of the OCR Community. We want you to represent the best of what OCR Buddy has to offer.
- Contribute discount codes the OCR Buddy discount section.
What you will get in return:
- OCR Buddy Gear: You will get special OCR Buddy Ambassador Gear. Package to be decided every year by the administration.
- Recognition on OCR Buddy Social Media Channels: We will recognize our ambassadors that are contributing to the community on our social channels.
- Support on your projects: Promoting a race? And ambassador for a brand you love? The OCR Buddy team is here to support you and help you grow, just let us know what we can do to help you.
- Special Prizes: The OCR Buddy Administration will surprise members going above and beyond with special recognition and prizes.
- Supportive Community: We are more then just an OCR product and community, we want to know the challenges you are facing and be there for you. If you ever need anything we are just an e-mail away.
We understand that life throws curve balls and things happen. We ask that if you are not going to be able to help us at any point that you reach out to the team and let us know. If we don’t hear from you, and you are not actively participating in the program the OCR Buddy Team, you can be removed from the team