Where are the most OCR events by city? Which cities lack OCR?
It is a question that was raised behind the scenes of OCR Buddy and we wanted to share with you the outcome of our reporting from the OCR Buddy event system.

We took the top 50 cities by population and searched for events as of the date of this article (2/20/2024)
This list is sorted by population.
Top 50 cities by population as per 2015 data 100 mile radius from city limits If event is over multiple days, it count as one event (ie. Spartan, Savage) Only exception is if the target market was different (ie. Adult/children) OCR (ony) events live in OCR Buddy on 2/21/24
Place Events
New York City 17
Los Angeles 12
Chicago 13
Houston 3
Philadelphia 20
Phoenix 3
San Antonio 5
San Diego 9
Dallas 6
San Jose 5
Austin 7
Jacksonville 6
San Francisco 5
Indianpolis 7
Columbus 10
Fort Worth 5
Charlotte 13
Seattle 4
Denver 4
El Paso 0
Detroit 4
Washington DC 13
Boston 9
Memphis 1
Nashville 3
Portland 6
Oklahoma City 4
Las Vegas 1
Baltimore 15
Louisville 8
Milwaukee 12
Albuquerque 0
Tuscon 2
Fresno 4
Sacramento 4
Kansas City 6
Long Beach 15
Mesa 3
Atlanta 7
Colorado Springs 4
Virginia Beach 1
Raleigh 5
Omaha 1
Miami 3
Oakland 5
Minneapolis 3
Tulsa 5
Wichita 3
New Orleans 0
Arlington 6