
OCR Buddy is the first mobile calendar application designed for obstacle course racers.

OCR Buddy's extensive and ever-growing database lists events from international race brands to the local obstacle races right in your backyard.

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Everything you need to schedule races at your finger tips

  • A massive, ever-growing database of OCR events

  • Filtering based on location and features to allow effecient event searching

  • Calendar and list views to sort through events easily

  • Track what events you're interested in or going to, along with race times

  • Personal OCR profile and buddying to help you and your friends race together

Calendar & Event View

Easily filterable calendar for quick, date based event searching. Multiple methods of listing and viewing events, as well as extensive filtering to show you only what you want, lets you find events for you, your way.

Find Races with Buddies

Quickly spot which events have buddies attending so you can get yourself to more races with more friends. Check what buddies are attending an event through an event's information or read up on a friend's upcoming events from a buddy's profile.

Detailed Event Information

Filter for events with specific features ranging from Swag-Giving only events to races that include children's races too! Read up on all aspects of events and then mark your choice so your buddies can join you. You can even find exclusive discount codes listed on events!

Dynamic Event Database

We host a massive race database FILLED with thousands of great events. With so many events that are always being added all over the world, we let our users both submit new events and edit current events within a moderation system to keep information as accurate as possible.

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