I recently tried Naked Goat Chocolate protein powder and thought it tasted great. Chocolate tends to be my “go to” when trying a new protein flavor as it can easily mask the taste if it isn’t the best. However, their chocolate tasted so good I decided to try their vanilla as well, which is a lot harder to make it taste palatable. Here’s what I thought of Naked Goat Vanilla after testing it out for the last month and if passes the flavor test…

Ingredients: If you aren’t familiar with Naked Nutrition (www.NakedNutrition.com) you are about to be. They are known for the minimal ingredients and clear packaging with “nothing to hide”. In a world full of supplements “pixie dusting” (aka putting fillers in their products), Naked Nutrition stands above the rest by using very few ingredients providing a transparent look at what you are consuming. Naked Goat Vanilla has goat whey protein concentrate, organic coconut sugar and natural flavor. That’s it. That’s the full list of ingredients.

Taste: Maybe I’m biased, but I feel like I’m a good person to taste test protein. I’ve been consuming different brands of protein for the last 20+ years so I feel like I’ve tasted a lot of brands and flavors. Where I think my edge comes in though is I’m lazy about my protein drinks. I’m not going to mix it in a blender, nor am I going to add mix-ins or fruit. I literally take tap water, put in the protein, stir with a spoon and drink. If your protein can taste good like that, it will taste good in anything.
Their chocolate flavor tasted good that way and the vanilla one…tastes good as well! While the chocolate one tasted similar to a lot of other chocolate whey proteins I’ve tasted (but with a better nutritional profile and list of ingredients), their vanilla has a more distinct flavor. The vanilla tastes milkier to me and has a little more of that “goat milk” flavor. If you gave me this blindfolded side by side with another vanilla whey protein, I would be able to tell there’s something distinctly different about it. I think it tastes better than most standard vanilla whey flavors I’ve tried from other brands.

Nutrition: Where Naked Goat Vanilla shines is its nutrition profile. It has 23g of protein per two scoops, 0g of saturated fat and 5g of sugar. This is about as bare bones as it can get when it comes to protein. As a whey protein product, it has all the proven benefits of whey protein. Whey is fast acting, great for building muscle, great for recovery and has been a proven staple of the nutrition/supplement industry. If you don’t believe in the power of whey, you probably don’t believe in any supplements. Whey is about as safe as it gets and effective as it gets when it comes to supplements.

Overall: If you are fall into the camp of vanilla flavored proteins, I would definitely pick up some Naked Goat Vanilla. The distinctive goat milk taste makes it something you will enjoy and provides a different flavor profile from what you are used to. This makes it either a great addition to your protein lineup or possibly even a replacement to a different product you are currently using.
This isn’t the first Naked Nutrition product I’ve tried, and it won’t be the last. Check OCR Buddy’s previous articles for one of my favorite protein products Naked Protein Coffee Review. Naked Nutrition continues to set the bar high doing what other brands can’t seem to figure out, how to make high quality supplements with minimal ingredients that still taste amazing.