Stretching Is Overrated
Wednesday, 02 November 2022
Stretching Is Overrated! Yep, you read that correctly. Stretching is overrated. In my opinion, at least. Let’s simply look at common situations: An athlete gets injured and says it is because he/she does not stretch enough. Another athlete who does stretch often, and perhaps does yoga, becomes injured. The injured athlete starts stretching only to
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Resting Rarely Fixes Injuries
Thursday, 27 October 2022
Have you ever experienced pain from training, decided to take a couple days or maybe even weeks off, just to have the pain return when you got back to training? If you are an athlete, your answer is likely YES. And if you answered YES, you are not alone. It is a common situation for
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Overuse Injuries
Friday, 21 October 2022
Overuse. Is this really a thing? Have you ever experienced an injury somewhere and been told by a medical professional that it was due to overuse? Most likely, the answer is yes, because it is used as the cause way too often for anything that is a chronic-type onset. When that happens, you accept it
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Stop Blaming Your Glutes
Thursday, 13 October 2022
The glutes get blamed for so many things. “My therapist told me my glutes are weak,” “My doctor told me to strengthen my glutes,” “I think my knee pain is due to weak glutes.” I could go on and on about the things I hear on a daily basis. Because of that, you spend weeks
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New Shoes Won’t Fix Your Problem
Thursday, 06 October 2022
Ever wonder why there are so many running shoes at the store, all of which have different types and amounts of cushion, different technology to minimize pronation, and some have claims that they will reduce injury, and yet we still have 80% of runners injured every year? It is because the shoe you are wearing
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Spot Treating Pain Never Works
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Does this sounds like a familiar pattern for you: You feel pain…You massage, stretch, and ice the area…You may rest for a week or two…After some online searching, you decide to do some random strength exercise you saw…Months later your pain has not changed. Or maybe yours is more like this: You feel pain…You self
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The Truth About Flat Feet
Friday, 16 September 2022
“I have flat feet, so….” I often hear this said as a statement of fact, as if it is something that cannot be changed. And yet, when talking about any other issue with the body, it is never stated as if it something that cannot improve. (Yes, I do realize that a small percentage of
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You Cannot Outstrengthen Bad Movement
Thursday, 08 September 2022
When injuries happen, we often think it is because an area is weak. While that is not necessarily wrong, that is not necessarily the only issue. If it were purely a strength issue, I don’t think we would see as many non-contact and ‘overuse’ injuries happen in professional sports as we do. So, what is
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The Reason Your Injury Is Sticking Around
Thursday, 01 September 2022
Your nagging injury and pain will not go away. It has been months, perhaps years, and you have tried everything – physical therapy, chiropractor, ice, heat, stretching, strengthening, rest, injections, and maybe even surgery. Nothing has helped. You still are not able to train…or live your life for that matter. You are frustrated to say
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Fix Your Movement Patterns
Friday, 26 August 2022
I know you have seen that person at the gym…The one that can’t get their hips down in a squat so they lean forward with their torso to counterbalance and to feel like they are deeper in the squat than they are. And that person who has a ‘stripper butt’ when they deadlift, clean, or
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Your Injuries Don’t Have To Last So Long
Thursday, 18 August 2022
When injuries occur, the common treatments tend to be rest, ice, pain meds, rolling, massage guns, stretching, and sometimes immobilization. Months later, rather than the issue being resolved, one of three scenarios has often resulted: 1) the same pain remains present, 2) the pain has gotten worse and you are no longer training, or 3)
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Your Pronation Is Not Your Problem
Thursday, 11 August 2022
It was decided years ago that pronation was bad and it needed to be controlled. As a result, orthotics have being prescribed to nearly everyone who walked into the door of a podiatrist. Along with that, shoes were created to stop us from pronating and the major shoe companies continue to “improve their technology” in
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Causes Of Running Injuries
Thursday, 04 August 2022
Running injuries are frustrating. Occasionally they are traumatic injuries from a fall or misstep, but most times they come on seemingly out of nowhere. One day you are training pain free and the next day you are not. It is confusing and frustrating. I’m here to clear a little of this up for you…or at
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Foot Control Can Decrease Injuries
Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Do you know what your foot is doing while it is on the ground? Most people do not. I can honestly say I was guilty of this myself for a long time. I thought I knew what my foot was doing, but I realized how wrong I was. Your foot is a ‘tripod’ with the
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Fix Your Chronic Injuries The Right Way
Friday, 22 July 2022
We are movement and exercise are great for us, physically and mentally, but eventually you develop pain in your joints, muscles, and/or tendons. When things get bad enough, your physician then tells you to stop your activities because they are bad for your joints. What gives? If exercise is so good for us, then why
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Generate More Speed, Power, And Strength
Monday, 11 July 2022
Ever wonder why those around you seem to be making progress with their training, getting stronger and faster, while you feel like you are being left behind? Or why you have done mobility drills every single day for the past 6+ months without any apparent gains being made? It comes down to what I call
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Become Resilient And Unstoppable
Wednesday, 06 July 2022
How do you rate your resiliency on a scale of 1-10? Do you find yourself constantly injured, always nursing some ache or pain or training through pain? Or do you only experience an injury if you have a traumatic event occur? The more resilient you can make your body, the better athlete you will be.
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Maximizing Your Workout Time
Thursday, 16 June 2022
We often think we need to be training for hours a day in order to meet our goals. To some extent, that may be accurate, but many times that is not the case. If you are training for a marathon or longer endurance event, yes, you need to be training longer at times so your
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The Balance Of Mobility And Stability
Wednesday, 08 June 2022
Mobility. Stability. We hear and read about both when injured, but many times aren’t sure what needs to be done…or why…or when. As a general, all areas of the body needs a balance of both. With that said, certain joints or areas of the body require more stability, and others require more mobility; these areas
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Why Stretching Is Not Resolving Your Tightness
Wednesday, 01 June 2022
You have a constant tightness that will not go away no matter how much stretching you do for it. You have done all the stretches and rolling that your physical therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, friend, YouTube, and/or Dr. Google told you to do for it, but still aren’t back to training like you want to
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The Reason Running Injuries Occur
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Many running injuries happen annually. Depending on the research you look at, between 50-75% of runners get injured every year. Many of those are chronic injuries…and also what I call preventable injuries. Running in itself typically does not cause injuries (unless you trip over something and injure yourself) and yet many runners tend to end
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Returning To Running After Time Off
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
You’ve been forced to stop running for a few months due to an injury and you have now been cleared to resume running. You’re excited to get those shoes on and step out the door for your first run in months. You feel great and your body feels good. You end up running 3 miles;
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Train Smarter
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Train smarter, not just harder! Don’t get me wrong, as athletes we want to train hard and push ourselves. Personally, I train hard on a regular basis. But there is more to training than just continuing to push harder. We also need to train smarter when we are training. What does training smarter mean? It
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The Reason Behind Your Pain
Thursday, 05 May 2022
Your habits can make you or break you. This is not only in life but also in how you move. The body is great at moving to allow you to function…but sometimes to your detriment. Look at any toddler or young child, and you will see them perform a great squat – weight on the
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Lower Leg And Foot Pain In Runners
Thursday, 28 April 2022
Many runners experience pain in the lower leg, ankle, and/or foot at some point. Sometimes it is due to trauma, such as an ankle sprain, but most times it comes out of nowhere. When this happens, you do everything you can think of to resolve it – consult with Dr. Google, consult with YouTube, ask
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