Russ Blatt
OCR Buddy is the world’s only calendar and database app for iPhones and Android phones. However, what started as a simple app has grown into much more than that, an OCR Community.
I started OCR Buddy because I was looking for a better way. I was looking for a better way to find obstacle races to sign up for. I was tired of going website to website and it seemed that no one had a complete listing. It took hard work and desire to create something that had never been seen before. OCR Buddy was released on November 1, 2016. What started in four countries and a few hundred users has grown to almost eight thousand downloads with over 26,000 lifetime listings in 70 countries.
OCR Buddy has grown into a community. Its community has the overall goal of supporting, improving and continuing the development of obstacle racing for its athletes. How can a simple app do that? It does it by being more than an app. OCR Buddy has added features into the app that will help you find hotels, get directions or the weather for your event at the event’s location. OCR Buddy can provide you discount codes, training locations and allows you to help others within the OCR Community. OCR Buddy is not about me. It is about all of you.
One feature that I made sure was an integral part of OCR Buddy was to give the users the ability to help one other. Users (and non-users) can add events into the OCR Buddy database. OCR Buddy allows users to add their own information, codes and more importantly, gives them the control over their schedule.
The OCR community benefits because Race Directors use OCR Buddy, although not as many as we wish. Imagine if all Race Directors checked schedules so that there was limited competition on dates? Every time a Race Director decides not to compete directly with another race, we all win because athletes can attend more events.
OCR Buddy continues to morph itself into an OCR Concierge for the OCR community. OCR Buddy has started programs such as OCR Holiday Hero and was a founder of OCR Strong. Both gave back to the OCR athletes. OCR Buddy continually assists its partners in promotion of their events because it’s the right thing to do.
Recently, the OCR Buddy Ambassadors were announced. The OCR Buddy Ambassadors, while promoting OCR Buddy to the OCR community, has the goal of promoting OCR itself. While podiums are great, helping people overcome their own obstacles, promoting those that may otherwise may not have a forum and being the basis for someone to say, “they inspired me” is our goal. With 55 Ambassadors in 12 countries around the world, we have only just started to see how well a simple app can affect athletes from the United States to the United Kingdom, through Kuwait, Chile, South Africa and more. The OCR Buddy Ambassadors bring the world together through the love of obstacle racing and the desire to make our community a better place.
Functionally, there is no other OCR calendar like OCR Buddy. Users can filter in over a dozen ways. Users can keep track of past performances. Users benefit by the constant upgrades to the app, mostly made through suggestions of the OCR Community. OCR Buddy supports other race types such as ninja, adventure racing and very soon the event type “hybrid” will have its own place in OCR Buddy (DEKA, Hyrox, etc.).
OCR Buddy is never satisfied where it is as there are always ways to give more to the OCR community and to its users. The goal of OCR Buddy is to be able to provide everything it needs to its users for a race. OCR Buddy will help you plan, schedule and register for a race. Then it can help you find a hotel and tell you the weather so you can prepare for your event. I know there is more we can do for you. In fact, more upgrades are constantly being presented.
I realize that this was supposed to be about me and why I started OCR Buddy and how I see the app. The issue is that I do not see OCR Buddy as an app, but as a living thing. It grows. It improves. It makes mistakes and learns from it. Building this app has been the best thing I could have done in this sport. I was once a guy racing alone and found a community and a team to race with. The New England Spahtens were my friends and my Battle Buddies. So, when it came to figure out what to name this app and how to portray it to the community, I only wanted to be one thing. I wanted to be the “Buddy” for the OCR Community.
I hope that I am doing just that.
10 Questions with Libbie Joyce
Sunday, 16 February 2025
At just 17 years old, Libbie Joyce has already made a significant impact in the world of obstacle course racing (OCR). Growing up immersed in the sport, thanks to her mother’s passion for Spartan competitions, Libbie has navigated a path filled with challenges and triumphs. Learn more about the next steps in her journey in
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From the Mail Bag: Who Runs What?
Monday, 21 October 2024
I recently got a great question from someone new to the OCR scene: “Who is in charge of what? It can be really confusing with all these championship events. For instance, Costa Rica was different from Croatia, which is different from the Dubai event. And then there are all these local events like the ones
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Focusing on the Athletes Over Controversy
Monday, 26 August 2024
“When people start discussing a scandal, it’s hard to talk about anything else” – Dave Kovic, acting as President Mitchell in Dave (1993) When I was on my honeymoon, my house was robbed. When I came back from my trip to Kenya and Tanzania, no one asked about the elephants, giraffes, lions, and lion kills
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Where do we go from here?
Tuesday, 20 February 2024
I am not sure how to feel at the moment. Angry. Upset. Disbelief. I just do not know how to feel. Rugged Maniac, a race that has been around for over a decade and had 25 events scheduled in 2024 abruptly canceled all events. This is an event that I, and many people, have enjoyed
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From the Founder: Spartan Action Plan
Monday, 27 June 2022
On May 16th, the Wall Street Journal reported that Spartan Race faced a cash crunch. The obstacle racing community was fired up on both sides of the Spartan fence. Those that love Spartan tried to give a rationale as to why this is temporary, and Spartan will bounce back. The anti-Spartan crowd had fodder to
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From the Founder: Stupid Sunday
Sunday, 12 June 2022
June 5 will always be known as Stupid Sunday because what I did was stupid. How can I explain this better than to explain why? Since I was 13 years old, I have been playing in an “organized pickup” softball game in my hometown that runs from April to October. When I play, it is
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10 Questions: Your First Mud Run
Thursday, 02 June 2022
Your First Mud Run is an obstacle race in which the whole family, parents and children, run the course together. This family-friendly event, featuring medals, shirts, free bag check, free parking, no spectator fee and more is the brainchild of Brad Vaccaro. Brad took some time to sit with us and be the next guest
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10 Questions: Ultra Marathon Edition
Friday, 20 May 2022
This past weekend, three OCR Buddy Ambassadors completed their first Spartan Ultra. While fresh in their mind, I thought it would be great to spend a little time with them and ask about their preparation and event. Let us introduce you to Greg Champion, Emma Bivens and Sherry Valenzuela as they are today’s guests on
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10 Questions with Ian Adamson
Monday, 09 May 2022
Last week, it was announced that an obstacle discipline will most likely replace the equestrian discipline of the Modern Pentathlon. OCR Buddy immediately reached out to Ian Adamson, President of World Obstacle, to answer “10 questions” regarding the news, what’s ahead and what this means for the sport of obstacle racing. Here is the Modern
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OCR and The Pentathlon: The Olympic News
Wednesday, 04 May 2022
Many people are excited about the recent news regarding obstacle course racing. In a poll recently performed in the OCR Buddy Community Group on Facebook, 85% of those who responded indicated that no final decision regarding the obstacle discipline in the Modern Pentathlon had been made, but many are hopeful. I went through the internet
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10 Questions with Bob Clark of UNAA
Tuesday, 03 May 2022
Bob Clark is the founder and CEO of Ultimate Ninja Athlete Ninja Association (UNAA). The UNAA is a worldwide ninja association, with championships happening in Las Vegas in July. We wanted to learn a little more about Bob, the start of UNAA, and what are his long-term plans. We thank Bob for his time, and
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10 Questions with Luke De-benedictis
Monday, 02 May 2022
Luke De-benedictis is on the Spartan UK Pro team, Co-Host of Multi-Sport Media Podcast, Ambassador/Representative of many companies, and in my experience, and all-around good guy. We asked Luke to give us a few minutes of his time between work and training, and he is the next to join us on “10 Questions with… How
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10 Questions with Al Agra- President of POSF
Saturday, 30 April 2022
Al Agra is the President of the President of Pilipinas Obstacle Sports Federation, the Obstacle Sports Federation for Asia, General Counsel to the Philippines Olympic Committee, and the Treasurer for World Obstacle. There are very few people in the world with as much knowledge and involvement in the sport of obstacle racing. The Philippines is
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Local Race vs. Small Race: The difference
Monday, 25 April 2022
Last week, OCR Buddy posed the following question to the OCR Community: “What is the difference between a local race and a small race?” And followed it up by also asking, “Also, does/can a race series qualify as a local race? Can a one-time race not be “local”?” The answers were interesting to see and
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10 Questions with Race Ready Obstacles
Friday, 08 April 2022
Most people, when completing an obstacle, do not think about how it was made or who built it. Aaron and Dana of Race Ready Obstacles not only wondered about those questions but became one of the premier obstacle builders in the OCR Community. They took a few minutes out of their schedule to join us
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10 Questions with Hannibal Race
Sunday, 03 April 2022
The Hannibal Race is one of the most successful obstacle races in the Middle East. Their popularity is growing. Since 2014, Hannibal Race has produced events in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. OCR Buddy recently spoke with the two people behind The Hannibal Race, Amine Dib, and Hiba Rayess Chehyaeb. We welcome them as the
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10 Questions with Nicole Mericle
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Nicole Mericle was on top of the obstacle racing world when she tore her ACL. While the injury stopped her on the course, she continued to inspire people with her training and progression during her rehabilitation. Showing people that being knocked down is not the end but a new beginning can be as important as
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10 Questions with Leon Kofoed
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Leon Kofoed has been a European and World Champion. Most already know about him that he is a good, approachable person with a booming personality. We were lucky enough to corral him long enough to join us for “10 Questions with…” Leon Kofoed. How did you find out about obstacle racing, and what was your
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10 Questions with Stefano Zappa
Sunday, 20 March 2022
Stefano Zappa is the President of the European Obstacle Sports Federation, which oversees the National Federations of over 30 countries in Europe and the very popular OCR European Championships. He is also an experienced obstacle racer who views where our sport is heading, and he is prepared to help lead into the future. We recently
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10 Questions with Ida Mathilde Steensgaard
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Ida Mathilde is a world-class Red Bull sponsored Danish athlete with multiple successes in obstacle racing since she began racing. While her recent successes may be new to some here in the United States, the Europeans have been watching her stand on podiums for years. She has goals and a plan to get there, and
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10 Questions with John de Haan
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
John de Haan, from the Netherlands, was the runner-up winner of the European OCR Community Choice Awards for para Athlete of the Year. He is a former Para-OCR European Champion and Para-OCR World Champion. He also was on the podium for the Spartan Para World Championships. He is an inspiration to many with his attitude
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10 Questions with Flynn Stewart and Dad
Monday, 14 March 2022
The OCR Boys are an obstacle racing team that aims to inspire boys and help improve their fitness through obstacle course racing. We were recently introduced to one of their members, Flynn Stewart. Although only 12 years old, Flynn has been competing in obstacle racing at a high level for years. He has made a
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10 Questions with Rachelanne Gladden
Wednesday, 09 March 2022
Many of you know her as the Service Manager and the smile you see at the OCR World Championships. Rachelanne Gladden is much more than the name on an email. She is well-rounded and always has a smile on her face. She is always a shining star for the OCR Community. She has been with
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10 Questions with James Parrish
Tuesday, 01 March 2022
Nuclear Races is highly regarded and considered one of the top events in the United Kingdom. Besides being the former home of the OCR World Championships for two years, the facility holds multiple obstacle events every year. Besides Nuclear Races HQ, there is Nuclear Race Wild Forest Nuclear High Ropes, and much more. We recently
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Advice for New Racers from the OCR Community
Tuesday, 01 March 2022
We recently posted on Instagram and Facebook asking “What advice do you have for people new to obstacle racing?” The answers not only apply to those new to the sport but to all of us as well. From the OCR Community to you, here is your advice. Shoes and Footwear “I’ve seen a lot of
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10 Questions with Rachel Watters
Monday, 21 February 2022
Rachel Watters is a member of the Mudgear-Battle of the Lions Pro Team, was the 2021 OCR Community Choice Awards Runner-Up Female Athlete of the Year, and regularly finds the podiums from 5k to 24-hour events. She mentors Lion Hearts Fitness and believes that “the impact you make as a human and how you treat
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10 Questions with Ian Adamson
Friday, 18 February 2022
Ian Adamson is the President of World Obstacle. I have known Ian personally for about four years, as I am the Assistant Director of USAOCR and was brought into that position by Ian. Whenever I talk to Ian, he is on a plane, in an airport, in another country, and always working for the future
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10 Questions with Libbie Joyce
Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Libbie Joyce took the 2021 Spartan World Championships by storm, placing second in her age category at the age group at the age of 13. That accomplishment was recently voted the Outstanding Achievement in the 2021 European OCR Community Choice Awards that OCR Buddy presented. Libbie is part of the Obstacle Mud Runner Magazine Race
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10 Questions with Kelly Sullivan
Sunday, 13 February 2022
In January, Kelly Sullivan participated at the HYROX North American Championships in Chicago. Kelly is a member of the Spartan Pro Team, Altra Red Team, and an OCR Buddy Ambassador. I found her experience interesting, and although many people know the name HYROX, the competition itself is not well understood. So for this edition of
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10 Questions With Jenny Overstreet
Wednesday, 09 February 2022
There are so many people involved with obstacle course racing I want to get to know some of them better. So, I decided to send ten questions to people in OCR and learn about them and see what makes them who they are and what drives them. So, OCR Buddy brings you 10 Questions With…
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Looking Back at the Year that Was
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
When I decided to go ahead with the OCR Community Choice Awards, I made the final decision in a very big year for OCR Buddy. The year started in a pandemic that seemed to be turning a corner. The first few months of the year were littered with cancellations and postponements; it seemed that the
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Meet the 2021 OCR Buddy Community Choice Nominees
Thursday, 09 December 2021
Thank you for your interest in the OCR Community Choice Awards. I appreciate you taking the time to vote on your favorites and “Best of” 2021. I wanted to provide everyone with some information to make the best choice possible. Some categories may seem obvious to you, but others you may want to research a
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Can #OCRCooperative become a real movement?
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Obstacle racing is, in fact, divisive before we ever get on the racecourse. Open vs. Age Group vs. Elite/Pro Brand vs. Brand. One race or the other. Which team should I join on Facebook? Over the past 18 months, I have changed OCR Buddy to a community (see:The Evolution of OCR Buddy ). I had this vision very
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OCR Buddy at the National Obstacle Sports Conference
Tuesday, 09 November 2021
(overview of speakers) OCR Buddy Founder Russ Blatt was invited to speak at the National Obstacle Sports Conference hosted by OCR Romania. At this conference, he shared the history of OCR Buddy and the growth the app has experienced. (Russ’ presentation) Text of his presentation is below. Esteemed Guests, Members of the European
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The Evolution of OCR Buddy: From the App’s Founder
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
OCR Buddy is an app. OCR Buddy lists events from around the world and puts them in the palm of your hand. It is the easiest way for you to plan and schedule your races for the season. You have heard the sales pitch. Then, how did an app on your phone grow in popularity
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Spartan & Scheduling in 2022
Saturday, 25 September 2021
Over the past few years, Spartan has gotten a ton of grief over the scheduling practices and re-scheduling practices. There have been numerous times that dates or locations have been changed so that a Spartan Race was near a competitor. A prime example of this is the schedule conflict between the OCR World Championships and
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